
If you would like to speak to anyone regarding our school curriculum, please feel free to contact the school office to arrange a meeting with Greg Snowdon who is our Trust Curriculum lead.

Curriculum Statement

At Hob Green Primary School, we believe that great teaching in every classroom will improve the outcomes for our pupils. Our principles for great teaching are driven by evidence-based research. Great teachers develop a broad array of teaching strategies that are pupil-centered. This approach, combined with subject knowledge and knowledge of individual pupils, positively impacts learning outcomes. 

A prerequisite of this is the School’s clearly defined curriculum where content is well sequenced and provides a progressive framework for learning. This extends from EYFS, through KS1 and KS2 and prepares our pupils for the next stage in their learning journey.

We believe that when there is a robust curriculum with a clear rationale in place, combined with great teaching, this is when pupil progress and consequently attainment is likely to be at its best. Leaders and teachers develop a high level of pedagogical knowledge, essential for great teaching. Alongside this, a deep understanding of assessment practices develops and information extrapolated from these is used to inform provision.

Key Features of an Effective Curriculum:

For great teaching to be fully impactful, an effective curriculum, that is understood by all leaders, practitioners and pupils, needs to be in place.

The design of our curriculum includes:

  • purpose, key principles and values, agreed expectations, underpinning concepts, clearly defined content and an established logical sequence. These are regularly reviewed through a robust approach to monitoring and evaluation that ensures impact against intended outcomes.
  • a coherent and consistent rationale that underpins the whole curriculum and is in place across all schools.
  • a consistent assessment framework for each subject discipline which is used to evaluate the impact of the planned curriculum and inform further provision.
  • well-developed and planned cross curricular opportunities that are used for revisiting and embedding learning (interleaving/cross contextualisation).
  • individual subject discipline progression routes that outline the skills and knowledge pupils should secure at each stage of their development.

Our curriculum:

  • is led, implemented and accessed by leaders, teachers, support staff and pupils who have a secure knowledge and understanding of the curriculum design and its structure.
  • is language rich and enables the successful development of communication skills and understanding of vocabulary.
  • meets the aims, purpose and objectives outlined in the National Curriculum for each subject discipline.
  • is supported by a full programme of professional development, linked to clear expectations and aims. This underpins the implementation of the agreed curriculum.
  • content is inclusive and representative of our schools and wider communities.
  • supports the development of shared pedagogy for key aspects of the curriculum.

Key Features of an Effective Pedagogy:

Great teachers draw on a range of strategies to enhance and deliver content in the most effective way. Pedagogical approaches in each of our schools are designed to deliver the key features outlined below:

  • a secure knowledge of how children learn and retain knowledge and skills including cognitive and metacognitive strategies, motivational and emotional dispositions, learning processes, stages of child development and responsive teaching methodologies.
  • an understanding of instructional processes including teaching methods, lesson structures and classroom management techniques.
  • the precise use of assessment strategies, both diagnostic and evaluative.

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View our Curriculum Statement